How to use a pendulum to answer questions.

in #pendulum7 years ago

How many of you have questions that you need to be answered and you don't want to pay a psychic and take the chances of not getting the correct information? Well, there is a way that you can tap into your own higher self and answer those burning questions. Here is a great example of a good use of a pendulum. You have lost an item and do not know where it is - using a pendulum is an excellent way for you to locate it. What is a pendulum? A pendulum is simply a weight suspended from a chain. The weight may be made of a certain crystal such as clear quartz, or amethyst. They may also be metal; however, it really doesn't matter. Here is a little background knowledge about the pendulum. The reason that it is an excellent way to find missing objects, or answer yes/no questions very accurately is that it allows you to tap into your subconscious mind. We often ignore our subconscious when we are awake but the pendulum allows us to access it. When you use the pendulum you are using the psychomotor reflexes upon which your subconscious mind operates.

So here is the exercise I want you to try out:

  1. Find a chain, could be a necklace, string anything that you can support a weight upon.
  2. Find something that has some weight to it and tie it to the bottom.
  3. pinch the string with your right or left hand using your index finger and thumb, allowing the excess string to be held in the hand.
  4. Totally rest your hand and elbow and ask the pendulum to show you what YES looks like. You should notice that the pendulum moves in a certain direction. Take note of that as your YES sign.
  5. Ask the pendulum to show you what NO looks like. The pendulum should move in another direction. Typically for most people, a Yes is like a nod yes towards and away from you and a no is side to side left to right. It varies for everyone so don't fret also don't get discouraged if it does not move dramatically at first with time and practice it will.

Now: You can now ask questions that you know the answer to such as, Do I drive a red car? ( when in fact you drive a blue car) you should notice the pendulum swinging in the NO direction that you discovered earlier. Once you get adept at this, start asking the pendulum questions you do not know the answers to write down your findings and check back when you do. I will post more articles about the pendulum if people are interested.
Have fun,


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