Ba al duzu lo zehar besarkatzen duen pertsona mota?
Hala bada, hori gauza ona da.
Izan ere, lo zehar bolsters hugging oso arruntak itxura. Baina benetan ohitura horren atzean onura asko daude.
Balioaren onura batzuk gure osasunerako onak dira.
Hona hemen lo egiteko 5 onurak.
- Gorputzak gorputza onartzen du
Guling tresna ortopedikoetako bat da. Funtsean, bolsters gorputzez eta mina saihesteko erabil daiteke. - Burkoaz baino seguruagoa
Ikasketa batzuen arabera, hobe da gure haurtxoak edo seme-alabak bolsters ematea baino.
Hurrengo orria
Editor: Hasiolan Eko P Gultom
Iturria: Digest
Tags arnasketa lo egiteko
Irakurri ere
Nola erraz pisua galtzen den bitartean lo egiten
Ez da askok ezagutzen, ezkerreko eta eskuineko sudurra lortu funtzio desberdinak
Ernie Djohan Trikimailuak Insomnioa gainditu du, hau da, zer egiten ez baduzu lo egin
Nola gainditu Choking Fish Thorn edo beste elementu batzuk
Emakumeek ez dute lo egin Instantly Connection ondoren
Vice versa, breathing through the right hole, affect left brain activity.
Some diseases can be cured by regulating breathing through the left or right nostril.
For example, breathing more using the right nostril can relieve headaches, help to relieve digestive digestion, and relieve constipation.
Humans are created with two nostrils that function as respiratory organs.
With these two nostrils, we can breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Do you think this left and right nostril has the same function?
It turns out that both nostrils have different benefits when used for breathing.
Before the curtains were lowered, the courtroom could be seen in a state of confusion, the BBC's Anna Holligan reports from The Hague.
An ambulance could later be seen arriving outside the tribunal while a helicopter hovered above the scene.
Several emergency rescue workers also rushed into the building carrying equipment in backpacks.
More than an hour after the incident, a court guard told Reuters news agency said Praljak was still "being treated".