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RE: Snowy Day in Dalian China. 100% Solarguy Photo Journal with Mutton Soup.

Where are you from back home? IM a southern Ontario boy, but been living in Busan, South Korea for half a decade and if it snows once a year, people are amazed.

Moving to China in a few months, Shanghai to be exact. How have you found living in China? interested to hear the perspective from a fellow Canuck


Well. you've said enough. i'm positive you know Muskoka, maybe even Washago, Gravenhurst areas where I was raised.

Toronto is my last my home though China is my home now. Have some of my life's best memories here. Though, just so you know, trading crypto in China is an uphill battle. Like seriously, all of crypto's wealth is fleeing this country. Getting good paying ESL teacher's salary is possible but if you're into crypto you'd make more anywhere else.

Shanghahi is a solid city if you're making 30k RMB a month, which unless you're a superstar you're not in Shanghai. I've been in China almost 6 years now so I have good idea of what a salary can provide in lifestyle. Depends if the cute girl in your profile photo is from downtown Shanghai. I said downtown for a reason.

Based on your steemit profile... uphill.. i will wait at the peak for you. I like many other crypto folks are fleeing.

If you're on WeChat add me

Will Change your perspective on life.

got family in the "rose city"

Small world. My family owns a cottage up in Nippising, I haven't been there in several years since I live abroad now, but I can still remember summer trips up there and fishing out on the lake.

Luckily I've been in Korea for a few years now, so I have been able to set up crypto accounts that link to my Korean bank accounts and also my Canadian accounts. Hopefully in China, all I will want to do is attach a bank account to possibly buy more steem.

As for the job, it's not quite an ESL position, it's working for a huge online company, and they offered me 28k/month to start so hopefully that will get me by.

The girl in my profile pic is Korean haha, hopefully she doesn't see this post and get offended haha. I have wechat already. Will add you for sure Look forward to further dialogue