Tuskege Airmen striving Through unequality

in #people8 years ago (edited)

The Tuskege airmen through much prejudise ans discrimination within and outside the army became some of thr best pilots the world had ever known. All passed with passing acores of high marks on their exam even having to retest to clarify 996 pilots and 15000 ground personel during wwII were credited wirh 150 flyin crosses recieved and 15000 combat stories . This group conists of caucasiens blacks and whites but the blacks has to be segregated into only black squadrons at Moton Field the Tuskege Airmen Training base. Despite all this they only lost 25 bombers due to their adaptness perserverwnce and courage peovinf themselves ans to some for future generations to some they are equal and amazing pilots . The 99th squadron in 1943 was the fordt foghter squadron to be deployed in africa. The 301st 332nd ans 302 went to italy a year later. The 99th squadron was equipped with p40 tomohawks tmas the 301st, 332nd and 302 had the Bell P-39 Airacobra to the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt finally to the P-51 Mustang all well made fighters as the 477th trained as bombers on the B-25 Mitchell sadly did not serve missions . There is even a mocie tuskege airmen which wqs msde because od these men and womens inspiration.I honor these men and women who were mistreated mourn for the loases and respect them equally as should many generations to come as each other as well .00000039.jpg
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