A lot of what you mention seems to be controlled. I recently watched a documentary called The Century of Self. I myself have never liked this form of science, but they Freud type people have gotten it down pat.
We used to have much much more leisure time than we have now. That time was spent on improving our lives, on making things easier on our self. We would sit in very distant times around a camp fire after a hard day of hunting or gathering and talk to each other, work on improving our spear points, on creating our clothing and protective gear, and on where the best hunting area was and or gathering area.
Then we grew in size and scope of our small tribe, we began to specialize and teach other our specialties. This was exchanged in a friendly way and means, of still sitting around a fire perhaps or spending some of our leisure time pursuing other interest that we heard about from a previous day.
Now we are nothing but consumers. We are told what we want, what we need, what we have to do, and how we have to do it. The leisure has been removed from life.
The Century of Self gives a LOT to think about. I'll have to watch that again. Thank you.
I had not watched it until about 3 weeks ago. In small parts/chunks so I could think about the different parts. I have never liked the field of Psychology, and have always thought Freud was the bane to society. I learned it was mostly his nephew and daughter that were the real destroyers of society.
Do you think being up where you guys are you are impacted less by the control?
I think so. A lot of people in Alaska have a very definite stay out of my house attitude. They left the controllers of the states they used to live in and try not to cave back into over control of personal life. Our mayor is neither pro nor anti mask other than when it comes to mandating the wear of it, (he is anti mandate). He believes people should make their own choice to wear or not wear and that it is not his job to force people to wear it.