How do you deal with people who seem to have a critical spirit? By trying to avoid risky subjects. But perhaps the best is to simply avoid this kind of people.
Are you able to look at a situation strictly based on facts or do emotions play a role in your decision-making process? I think I can look things based only on facts.
Do you find that it is easier to build relationships online or offline? I believe it depends solely on how much time you put into both.
Thanks for stopping by @dedicatedguy. I try not to put myself in a mindset that is overly critical, but I find that I can not avoid other people who may have a critical spirit. Sometimes I avoid risky subjects and other times I take a stand. It really depends on the topics and how important it is to me.
Great point about time investment. Anyone can develop a strong relationships if they put enough time and effort into the process.
Thanks for stopping by and adding to the conversation.