6 things to stop worrying about

in #people6 years ago


As the Dalai Lama said, "If a problem is resolved, if the situation is such that there is something to do about it, then there is no need to worry. If we do not solve a problem, worrying nothing will not change. So whatever happens, there is no point in worrying. "

In other words, the worries will not stop the problems of tomorrow, they will stop the possibilities of today, commented the blogger Mark for marcandangel.com.

How would you change your life if you stop worrying and start doing what you have the most? Let this day be the day you will free yourself from useless worries, you will see the possibilities and you will take real action for the things that you can change.

Be straight. Be proactive. Just stop worrying about ...

1.The challenges you face - Challenges are not here to worry about them; they are here to help you grow up. Challenges make life interesting and overcoming makes life meaningful. Many of the great historical achievements have been in response to major challenges. Many personal and significant achievements are in response to challenging circumstances. Each of the challenges in life is a test that helps you to identify and understand the weaknesses and thus turn your weaknesses into strengths.

2.Not so ideal conditions that you can not control - There is no good reason to deny yourself the ability to do something extraordinary. Life is about distinguishing yourself, being different, and never reaching the limits of achieving it. Whatever happens, whatever the others say, whatever the state of the economy or time out, you still have the opportunity to stand out. Life is what you choose to do. You have unlimited power over your consciousness, not over external objects and events. Realize this, and then you will find in yourself the source of power that you need to move mountains.

3.The reason it will not work - Your doubts are small enemies that live in your mind and cause you to lose battles that you could win. They create fear in your mind and only make you dream instead of acting. In other words, they violate the necessary action.

Idea or desire is a good starting point, but then you have to move, confront your doubts and make things happen. You have to take the pen and the sheet and write your story. Do not be afraid to get the best you can. If the intention is the seed of success, the action is the water that drives this seed to grow up and grow. Your actions should reflect your goals so that you achieve something that is worthwhile in this world.

4.The dreams of everyone else - Begin worrying about your dreams. They are unique and undoubtedly yours, for some reason. They show you and urge you to get the most out of life. It is not selfish to be the best you are capable of. It would be selfish to leave all your bad potential unrealized. What have you always wanted to know, to do, to be? It is never too late to answer honestly this question, and your answer to this question is your truly beautiful and unique gift to the world. Because when you realize your greatest potential, you raise the world with yourself.

5.Love that is not true - True love involves attention, awareness, discipline, effort, and the ability to truly care for someone and sacrifice for it, always and unreservedly every day. Embrace and love them despite everything, even when they are not so attractive and loving. Of course, you have to fight back with the same.

This type of love is based on complete self-sacrifice and has nothing to do with the fall. It's a long climb on a rocky mountain, it requires a lot of hard work, which most people are either too selfish or too scared to do. If you're wondering what a really healthy relationship is, two people wake up every morning and say, "It's worth it. You deserve it. I choose to be with you. "

6.Irritating Behavior and Character of Others - Losing your nerves with people who have already missed theirs will not bring you anything good. The only thing you can get is to face a road full of stupidity and dissatisfaction. When you have self-control, and keep your self-control at a time when the man against you has dropped yours, you will eventually be the winner. Because the winner is not the one who has spoken hundreds of words in a loud voice, and most likely he who has said only one word: "goodbye."

Source: PsychCentral.com

Source Images: https://pixabay.com