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RE: Critical Thinking Versus Critical Spirit

in #people7 years ago

One of the best ways to realize that our language and culture dictate how we think is to simply travel to another country and live with the locals (guided tours don't count ;-).

If all our experience based standards for truth are limited then the ONLY source of truth must be faith. But for me that gets tricky because most religions are based on a culture. So first, I must make a large distinction between faith and religion. Most religions are merely collections of the teachings of other humans (Biblically they are called the "teachings of men" and were denounced by the Christ) But I do believe that we can find the truth in faith, apart from the teachings of men. So for me the discussion now turns to HOW do we determine if an article of faith is a truth outside of our various religious cultures? I believe the process begins with a return to the original writings. Once any of these texts has been "explained" by someone the original significance is obscured. I know this has been the case with the Bible and the original teachings of Buddha. I can't speak for the Quran but there might be issues with various hadith which often accompany the Quran.

So how do we approach these sources of faith free of cultural bias? Are there other steps in the process in addition to returning to the original writings?


You are correct. It can be tricky. It is impossible to remove cultural context from religion. My faith is shaped by the culture of a country on another continent. I can not hide it.

I agree that original writings are important. And it is important to understand the context and culture at the time of religious works.

I am not sure that we can ever completely remove our biases, even those that shape how we shape our faith. My goal is to seek relation with God (reconciliation) over religion. When I live in right relationship then I can live in Truth.

When I live in right relationship then I can live in Truth.>

So good. Loved this post. I try to limit my interaction with people of a critical spirit, if possible. Conversations with them are often fruitless. But, when it's necessary, I try to remove my emotions, realizing that their criticism comes from within then and usually has little to do with me, basically offering them grace as you mentioned.