Kindness of Strangers...For Ten Bucks!

in #perfecttiming8 years ago

Last Fall I noticed a broken branch on my red maple tree in my front yard. However could such a thing happen? Surely NOT one of my sons who decided to climb it and accidentally step on the branch, hear it crack and say nothing to me, right? No, no, must surely be lightning that struck it, right?

Winter came and went; spring arrived and left, sorta, and here we are right at the beginning of summer, supposedly. (Ma Nature seems to be going through menopause and can't decide what temperature to give us. But that's an whole 'nother subject, isn't it?)

Dead Branch.jpg

Let us just just not focus on the hows but on the "Let's-just-add-this-to-the-ever-growing" List of things to take care of. Man, oh man, there were SO many things that Mick used to take care of that I have no clue on how, or more precisely, no skills. Yes, I could learn but really? I have enough of my own skills, thank you very much. He didn't have a chance to teach the boys and let's face it, they are teenagers. 'Nuff said. They would be more than willing to do it..... eventually.

This morning, I hear some loud noises outside and what do I see? My neighbour is having his tree trimmed! Woot! I quickly make myself presentable (read, take off PJs, replace with shorts and T-shirt) and go pay the workers a visit. They just happened to be on break so I didn't have to shout my request ;-)

"How much to cut off a dead branch?" I asked.
One stood up and said, "I dunno, five, ten bucks?"
"I'll give you ten!"

Ran into the house, found a ten-dollar bill and watched the guy take about a minute to cut off said dead branch.


Thank you, guys! I didn't have to make any phone calls or do any begging or threatening. All it took was the kindness of strangers... and ten bucks!