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RE: Performance and Scalability Updates

in #performance7 years ago

I said "in my opinion." I didn't think I was making a factual truth claim which could be considered "false." If the intention of your comment is to provide value and increase communication, could you please clarify what parts of my comment you disagree with and why?

The data I've seen shows the number of posts, comments, and votes by members of the steemit team (based on account names others have told me are involved with steemit, inc) to be quite low compared to active members of the community who are really frustrated right now. I am making an opinionated claim: It's hard to fully understand how frustrating the site is right now unless you are trying to use it a lot. Those who are using it a lot seem to be more frustrated and concerned than those who aren't. They are at least far more vocal about their frustration. I'm doing my best to base my opinions on the evidence I can gather.

Instead of an apology response which would indicate a high level of understanding about the frustration involved here, I'm seeing a "We're working on it" response. Ned's reply to me, as an example, isn't something I or my business partner CEO would ever say to a user of our platform. If we weren't meeting expectations or if our service availability started to degrade, we would first and foremost apologize and show empathy.

I'm trying not to take any of this personally, and I hope you and other Steemit, Inc members appreciate my intention is not to attack or belittle them individually in any way. I just want what's best for the community here and as a witness, I want to represent their concerns as best I can.


I just want what's best for the community here and as a witness, I want to represent their concerns as best I can.

(new pretty face)
Timeout error while I was typing this. Well how about that, I was just getting ready to hit the post button, and my vote did go through.And it is that attitude that you and @timcliff were voted as a witness by me. Keep up the good work and maybe you will be able to get across our frustration with current system, is like @rich11 said just lipstick on a pig. I will try again to upvote your comment, did not work the first time.

Thanks for your support. :)

I hope we'll get through this time of frustration and have fun "remember when...?" stories for the future masses who will be joining Steemit.

Im afraid all you are saying is falling on intentionally deaf ears, but thanks for saying it anyways.

"Intentionally deaf ears" makes a judgement about the intention of others. I prefer to take a NVC approach, assume the best, deal with my own emotional responses, and work towards a solution.

That said, it sure does seem intentional, doesn't it? ;-)

Maybe the moaning at them worked. The site is running better?!

Somewhat better. Still seeing quite a few errors though. I think we'll get there over time. I hope we will, anyway. More importantly, I hope Steemit, inc has a culture of humility and empathy towards the community which creates all the value here.

Exactly! I would say I am a heavy user and a believer. I have brought a fair amount of folks over and I immensely enjoy the platform...when it works. Like you have stressed, I understand its in beta etc, but they need to feel the pain and frustration of the user. The public is fickle and quick to vote with their feet. Its hard enough to recruit people to come over, we cannot afford to lose the ones that are already here. Nearly three weeks of sub par performance is completely unacceptable, especially without communication till just recently.