The only thing I want for right now is to use cover cropping to increase the strips fertility. I know I could dig out some soil and replace it with compost etc. but I like the idea of experimenting long-term with increasing fertility via cover cropping here. Longer term I am thinking about fruit trees like cherry and apple.
That said i would still very much appreciate any ideas or thoughts you have on what to do here.
After your fertility experiment, perhaps a big dig-out, and then replace the soil with some good stuff.
I love to dispense advice (lol, I'm a mother and a gardener...advice comes whether you like it or not!!)
Good luck :-)
Thank you for the tips. Didn't think of Vinca. I grew up in a house with a huge spread of it. Our cats used to make tunnels in it and would cool off in there during the heat of the day.