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RE: Cold Climate Permaculture Plants: Sea Buckthorn

in #permaculture7 years ago

Another great post brother. I want some of those for my farm here and for the on in the Philippines. How did you find out about it? It is an awesome plant and with all those properties it I has. That and some Moringa on my farm in the Philippines..... I think I would not need chicken feed. Then it would be Organic with out the cost of organic feed.
Keep this kind of post going I will always upvote them!


Thanks, I did a fair bit of research on this one. I don't know if this will grow in the Philippines I think they need a cold winter to thrive. Could be wrong though.

That is what i am hoping too. If the chickens eat the leaves then there is your protein source for the chickens. I think it would also make good goat feed because i doubt the thorns would bother goats.

I can't remember where exactly I first heard of it, probably doing research or something. One day I was driving around town and I saw some in a 7-eleven parking lot. At first I thought no way, then I took a closer look and tried the berries and sure enough it was Sea Buckthorn. Then I started seeing them all around Edmonton. They get planted a lot as a landscaping plant. I don't think people know what they have. The pictures in this post are all from plants I found in Edmonton except the one with the pitcher of juice. That one I found online.
