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RE: Beauty day on our Home on the Range

Sick beard!

The woodchips look like they're working super well, that's exciting!

As for the killing of dandelions, there's no hope. Good luck eating them fast enough to make them die. Good luck pulling them fast enough to erradicate. The only thing I've found that works is gas, which I don't recommend under any circumstances. This year, I scattered every seed poof I saw, and maybe I'll have salad next year. I'm taking a reverse approach. If I WANT them, maybe they'll all die. If they don't die, guess I'll start eating salad.

Under your tomatoes, is that a wood-chips-fence-wire burrito? What does it do?

Have you guys done hat bale gardens? Thinking I'm gonna try it out.


Thanks for the beard love! Ive gotten so many more compliments on it since i stopped having the barber cut it and Elf does it for me now instead. Its more cost efficient, people like it more, and she smells waay better than the guy who was cutting it before haha

It's an interesting approach, to just will them into longevity so they die haha ive considered that also. I used to be able to let it go, but now they get to me. Perhaps it comes with age??

I had to check what you meant by the burrito wire thing! - i guess its just the angle it was shot where the wire supporting the tomatoes looks like its wrapped around the chips bellow! I totally see what you were seeing too though!

We havent done the bale gardens, im leery..wifes friend is doing it this year, we'll see how hers turn out before we do it. I know theres conditioning that needs to be done to the bale, i haven't researched it much. Saw someone had a post about it not too far back?

I think you just pee on em. Seeing as how that's like half my compost, I figured it would be cool to try with a few bales. Then they're automatic compost for a lasagna bed or to throw wood chips on top of after the harvest. Idk. Brainstorming as always. I've read about it before, and resteemed a post the other day about it. That brought it to the front of my mind.

I've given up giving a damn about dandelions. Johnson grass is way worse, and even harder to kill. Gas kills it kinda for a bit, but it comes back as a damn bush after that. It has a satanic lust for life that makes me want to move to the Sahara.