With all respect you are misinformed. The earth is not experiencing record-breaking temperatures except as far as cold records being broken globally. The agencies involved with the GW agenda have been caught faking data and changing historical climate data and the propaganda arm of the corporate governments do not share info that runs counter to their agenda. Arctic ice is growing, more importantly so is Antarctic ice growing and its summer down there.
It has everything to do with the 22-year solar cycle as well as the Milankovitch cycles and evidence of this is the fact that most of the planets in our solar system are experiencing climate change. This then suggests that there is a central source for such change and that is the sun.
IPCC and the global warming alarmist's predictions have failed and it is this that determines the validity of a hypothesis. Failed predictions equal a failed hypothesis.
When An Inconvenient Truth came out I believed it too and started to look into the science of it and found some interesting things such as an alleged science organization has a political mandate, dissenting data is shouted down. The whole hysteria from politicians and dire warnings from the elites truly made me wary. Since when have these top pier wealth hoarders ever cared for us regular poor folk. They and their families have been about population control and eugenics and they go out of their way to promote, but of course, never putting their money where their mouth is and volunteering to depopulate themselves.
Before you dismiss me all I ask is that you look into Piers Corbin, Dave Dilley, Ben Davidson of Suspicious 0bservers on youtube and Adapt 2030. Piers Corbyn has a successful climate model that allows him to have an 80% accuracy in long-term weather forecasting and has been correct when the consensus science of forecasting has been wrong, proving science does not work by consensus. There is a great deal of research which supports my statements that the mainstream media does not report on and the IPCC ignores because it is not part of their agenda to prove man-made climate change.
I am not a part of a big oil agenda and would love to see us move away from such dependence on such a toxic substance. I am concerned for the welfare of humanity. I know you care about the planet and humanity, so do I.