Personally i feel you are well on track with goal number 1.
As for 2, I think i can offer some advice but they're all generic ones you'll find on the internet. cut your sugar, eat less rice and bread, no processed stuff yada yada.
And number 3.... hmmm, please teach me that when you've found a system that works for you. I've been having problem with both engaging online and offline.
And yes, go out and enjoy (or in this case i hope you enjoyed). If you MUST take pics, get a DSLR in the future. they take great pics and wont buzz with notifications when you're out on the beach.
It's super difficult to eat out and have less sugar and rice where I'm usually at ;) lol
hmm i guess number 3 will be most difficult then. essentially just a giant fomo!
I totally understand the FOMO..
And yes, rice.. The ever present monster.