Most millenials I know don't challenge the establishment. They may be foodies and buy organic food but they don't stand up for the right to own land and grow food. They don't bother with encrypting their data. International trade deals that compromise their civil rights never enter their sphere of attention. Half of them are for gun control. The notion that public education is a form of social engineering never occurs to them. While they may not watch TV they're all over corporate social media, and totally oblivious to the fact they're spamming their personal data to not only the government but every corporation within reach. And the notion of border security is totally foreign to them while at the same time civil rights is also totally foreign. Don't get me started on the vaccinations and health in general. It's just general trust in government and the media. It's not always like that, not all melenials are like that but it seems to be the trend. Very multicultural, very democratic, very hypersensitive to emotions, but also very oblivious half the time of reality. I mean they elected Trudeau for crying out loud because of his looks! And he's not even making weed legal like he promised. I'm not even that bloodly old and there's a marked difference.
But you're right there are conformists and individualists in every generation. We have to do this every time round.