
I love your honesty and not coloring the words. So keep posting and record the movies. I like to watch them, help a lot. Bless you

Thank you, @margaretwise for always showing support through your thoughtful and encouraging comments. I really appreciate it and may God bless you, too!

Great post and I feel these feelings and suffer through these issues as a caregiver as well. Losing my father less than a year ago and now with my grandmother at the end stages of life feels like a double whammy punch in the face sometimes but I persevere. Keep your chin up @breakingtonight

I want to thank you for your thoughtful words and I want you to know that I'm praying for you, as well!
I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you with all that you have had to deal with, @natevegas @natevegas

Thanks for all the prayers and keep up the good work here.

You're very welcome and I surely will!

I cared for Grandpa post stroke for five years. Just me, I'm 5 foot two and 110 pounds and his 6 foot 5 285 pound frame was ... challenging... to say the least! I respect you, I absolutely WILL NOT file my loved one away in a nursing home. They took care of you when you were in need as a vulnerable infant- it's the circle of life. Keep up the honorable work. I understand it's impossible for anyone to understand a situation if they have not personally experienced it, and I'm here to talk if you ever need it.

I want to thank you for your thoughtful comment on my post. It was very encouraging because sometimes it's helpful to hear from others who can relate with what you're going through.
I would also like to commend you for how you took care of your grandfather even though the odds weren't stacked in your favor.
I'm a fairly large guy, but I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to take care of your grandfather with his being so much larger than you. I know God must have strengthened you in order to get through those challenging times.
Thanks again for stopping by and commenting. I just followed you and I would welcome you to stay in touch. I'm sure it would be nice to talk sometime so thank you again. Have a blessed day! :)@arbitarykitten

Even though it may have been difficult, no other option could even cross my mind. You are welcome, and thank you. And I'm here anytime :) Be blessed

I agree! And you're welcome! So on a bit of a lighter Steemit your first experience at blogging?

In 2010 I acquired a blog I had been staff writer for. I posted a lot up until about a year ago when I ventured into other endeavors. I still own it, and have a couple regular writers, but I'm currently writing a game app and a new type of book. When I discovered steemit I lurked for a bit, but soon joined because it feels like a community :)

That's really interesting. Sounds like you have been involved in a lot of interesting endeavors and I'm sure you've gain some blogging experience, as a result
I think that Steemit is a wonderful platform for everyday people to get started blogging and being able to express their ideas, etc.

Lol, I like to say my life is a real live "reality show" without the paycheck ;)

Yes, I have only been here a couple days, but I must say I am impressed and happy :)

Keep telling your story. There are others in the same situation, and they need to know they aren't alone.

I'm hoping and praying that my story will help others, as you suggested. I believe when we can get real about what we're going through that God can use that to lift up others in the process. Thanks again for your comment and have a wonderful evening! :)Thank you so very much, @steveitt

Following you.

Great post, You are a good man for doing all you are for your Father. I am also doing a lot for mine right now with what he is going threw currently. Adding you to my follow list as well, Have a great day and keep doing what you are doing!!

Thank you, @zarcul, for your kindly worded comments! Sounds like your situation is starting to become similar, in many respects. Thanks again for reaching out and I will remember you in prayer as you begin to take on more responsibility with your father. Thanks for the follow. Following you, too!

Have a good evening!

i like your post, thanks for sharing

You're welcome and thank you very much for your comment, as well!

Thank you for keeping it real and being honest. God bless you for your willingness to make the sacrifices that you are making.

Your'e welcome and thank you for your encouraging words of support! May God bless you too, my friend! :)

Your post is very touching to me. Your father is blessed to have you as a son. I commend you for the decision you and your family have made keeping your dad at home. I can see that although you have made the decision keeping him home, it goes without saying that I see the toll it has taken on you and your family. May God bless you!!

It's a blessing to have followers that always have the right thing to say when you need to hear it the most. May God bless you, too! Thanks again for what you said!I really appreciate your thoughtful comments, @suziescorner

Have a wonderful evening! :)

Always believe in yourself and never lose hope. Hope is what keeps us all going when we have hard times. Your thoughts shape your reality, try finding gratitude in everything you have and everything you do. Try visualizing yourself being happy. All hard times will pass, you just gotta fight trought it.

maintaining the proper perspective on every situation can bring about a state of contentment and thankfulness that is so very essential. Thanks for reminding me of this truth! Just followed you! :)Thank you so much for your affirming words, @trendo

My wish is to guide people to the road of seeing the world as I see, the true reality. Thank you as well ! :)

That's awesome! You're welcome, my friend! :)