Heavy Handicaps

in #personal6 years ago

I, (as most in my field) am always banging on (and no doubt always will!) about the health disadvantages of being over- weight so today am going to highlight some personal ones:

1. It is an effort to walk and basic tasks can become a challenge

Most heavy people are reluctant walkers and are in fact carrying a sack of potatoes around with them daily! This excess weight contributes to the breakdown of hips, knees, and feet.
Obese folks struggle to do many basic things, like tie their shoes or trim their toenails.

2. Poor quality of life

A life of gasping and wheezing and sitting in doctors’ waiting rooms is not a quality existence. Excess weight diminishes people’s lifestyles in countless ways, and the result is unhappiness and depression that often result in compensatory eating, which exacerbates the problem.

3. Depression and Decrease in Self Respect

Many corpulent people forget what feeling good is like, because their overweight conditions mask such things. Depression is complicated, but it can result, in part, from stress caused by having out-of-balance body chemistry, feeling unattractive, being socially isolated and other factors. Losing self-respect and failing to command the respect of others go hand in hand.

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4. Double chins and sagging everything

Pendulous jowls and other drooping body parts accompany excess weight. Frequently, heavy people’s faces puff, their chins sag, their triceps flap, their bums fall, and their guts hang over their belts.

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5. Clothing does not look so good

Hefty people struggle to find clothing that looks good on them. Buying bigger clothes as your waistline expands, however, is a loser’s game.

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6. Seats in planes, theatres, and automobiles are tight.

Have you ever sat next to a large person on an airplane? If so, you know that the experience can be a miserable one.

7.Perspiration and Body Odour

Although overweight people don’t necessarily have worse body odour than anyone else, the fact is that many of them do.

Please do not take offense at some of these points – there is no intention to belittle or berate


a review of dietary and exercise habits