Yes, it's broken. It's been that way for many years. It really doesn't matter why.
Relationships, alcohol, drugs, confronting your parents, shitty bosses... it all made zero fucking difference in fixing it.
Your SOUL is missing a SOUL!
So now what? You've managed to pinpoint the problem. You're fucked up. Welcome to the land of misfit fuck-ups.
So here's the deal. I'm obviously not a shrink. I'm not one to get paid for providing advice based on human actions or lack thereof.
My advice comes from living. From taking chances and earning wins and losses.
Im a fucking doer, not a talker.
I can only guide you on lessons learned from living life not lessons learned through books or other people's experiences.
Ok, problem pinpointed.
Your soul has a missing limb... Congratulations on admitting it.
Here's how you can fix it:
Step 1
Admit you're fucked up and stop the bullshit excuses as to why. You fucking KNOW WHY!
Step 2
Accept it. Don't focus on who or why or how... focus on moving forward. What can you do to help you move past it?
Step 3
Confront it. Don't run from it. Don't hide. It will always outrun and outwit you so stop trying to blame it one other shit. Own it, it's yours. Only then can you begin the process of obtaining a strong prosthetic limb.
Step 4
Clean your past. This is fucking hard. You need to remove any negative people, places or items that are connected with destroying your soul.
They were no good then, they will be no good now. Change is tough but necessary.
Look at it this way... plants grow with sunlight and water not piss and shit. Ya, you get it now.
Step 5
Go through the motions. Allow yourself to be emotional. You never grieved. You stayed strong. You don't have to anymore.
If you feel angry or want to cry... that's ok. Do it. You're allowed and you've earned it. But don't fucking start feeling sorry for yourself. If you do, go to the mirror and kick your own ass.
Step 6
Be positive and love yourself. Look, in the end, no one will care more about you than you. You're fucking awesome and need to believe it.
Wake up, look in the mirror and tell yourself YOU love YOU!
And while you're at it, tell yourself how much ass you're going to kick that day.
It's all on you. It always has been. Don't expect others to do it for you or heal you.
Believe in yourself because no one else will.
Remember, it's always better to give your energy to your dreams than to your nightmares.
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Thank You!
Nice post!
A nice reminder to "not play the victim".
"We aren't our past."
The choice is up to us to do something about it.
I constantly hear whining, "victim mentality mode".
In fact, I fell deep into that abyss by believing everyone else's stories, and thinking that their story was my story.
No it is not.
Your story is YOUR STORY.
Your story is how you choose to define it.
Thanks for the powerful reminder, my friend.

Thank you so much!!
Nice one brother, something in there hit the target for me
Thanks brother!
Thanks Jacobus. My expeiriences in life have helped me understand that i cant change my past but perhaps i can others understand that maybe it's ok for heir past experiences to dictate future endeavors.
I'm impressed with all the sites you created!