I swear I could hear my right thumb ringing. Alarms of pain from the cold could at least be felt. I was standing out in the cold when my lookout whispered, “They’re coming!”
The couple in question braved the numbing winds of Piers Park to meet at the end, just as Aron and I planned less than 24 hours ago. My reconnaissance mission yesterday went so swimmingly, the execution was cold with its simple beauty.
Aron touched his earlobe with his right hand, both a common gesture for him and I, and the signal for this morning’s heist. I saw it, and with my right thumb nearing amputation, I flicked switches on my Canon 6D as I stepped closer with roguish steps. The winter rock salt crunched quietly as I drew close. My eyes teared up underneath the will of the wind, but I blinked, drew the camera to my right eye, and clicked the shutter several times.
A vertical frame, one horizontal, two more verts, another one wide, and I can tell I captured the moment. The photos are surprisingly crisp, but lack any indication the temperatures threatened frostbite to ungloved extremities.
A gentleman in a white sedan exited the parking lot at speed with his hazard lights on. An unusual sight, you can't help but ask.
Why's he got his hazards on?
Because he's self aware.