How Should Couples Split Expenses?
Where do you stand on this? How should couples split expenses, if at all?
Now I know there's some men and women who believe the man brings home the bacon and the man should pay for everything. I've seen this topic discussed on Youtube before and there's a lot of guys who say "my women isn't gonna pay for anything, I'm the man". There's also many women who feel the same way.
I'm curious to hear from you guys. Should couples split expenses equally? Should it be divided up proportionate to income? Should the man pay for everything because he's the man?
I've seen other couples split things up according to who makes more. For example if one person makes $100,000 per year and wants to live in a nicer place and the other person makes $50,000 per year and maybe can't afford that lifestyle they split things proportionately so if the rent or mortgage is $1000 a month the higher earner pays say $700 and the other person $300.
What got me exploring this idea recently is I recently sold my company and while I have some money banked, my income is going to take a BIG hit. In the past I'd always paid for everything ie the rent or mortgage, the utilities, etc. Groceries were normally bought by whomever happenned to have the time to go shopping. My girlfriend did contribute, although probably not as much as myself and I never really pushed the issue because I was making more than enough money and didn't really feel like rocking the boat or having that conversation. Also, the first couple years of our relationship she had two bouts with cancer and a couple knee surgeries so was either paying a ton of bills or out of work for quite a while.
More recently however she's working a good job, my income has taken a hit so decided to bring this up with her if she thought she'd be able to chip in towards the mortgage or split utilities. The conversation didn't go over too well, she wound up getting quite upset over the whole thing.
Curious how you and your spouse or significant other contribute towards expenses and does it work for you?
I reckon the lady should pay the most or pay for everything
A very interesting topic, I believe that when living as a couple the expenses must be shared. In my case, my husband earns a little more than I is responsible for the expenses and I only for personal items jejejjeje. My greetings, @rulesforrebels.
Gotta gold digger test them. Put some financial pressure on them and see how they hold up!
haha. Yeah my gf and I have been together a number of years. We were together back when I was broke as fuck eating spaghetti 7 nights a week, having to have her put a few bucks in my gas tank so I could go pick her up as she didn't have a car at the time.
It's kinda funny we sometimes talk about how things used to be. We still don't live very flashy at all, she's pretty simple not really into fancy stuff nor am I.
That said I do think over the years it's just kind of become habit that I was making good money and I make more than her so I'd wind up paying for most things, plus she had some health issues a while back where she wasn't working. Anyhow, I think she kinda got used to that and now my income is taking a big hit so definitely gonna be an adjustment. We got in a bit of an argument the other day but I think we got our stuff straightened out now. She's picking up some extra shifts at work while I try to figure out what my next move is.
It is good to know how to be frugal though for sure and know how to hustle.
Some people question why when I drove back from Arizona I was sleeping in my car and in @papa-pepper 's tent and spending practically no money. I know that some people from back here probably think I'm just a broke little dirtball and that is fine. It is funny how people are probably confused. Like one minute I'm in Australia looking like I'm balling out and the next minute I'm sleeping in my car under a heap of clothes that were bought 10+ years ago at Goodwill. Hahhaha
They are like "Is he Bitty Rich or not?!?!?"
That is good that you and your girlfriend are supportive of each other.
Do you feel like you are any closer to figuring out what you are going to focus on? Are you going to step it up on the content creation end of things? I bought a few things the other day like a gimble and a little tripod that can hold my phone so I can make a few things easier with cleaner shots but I haven't even got them out yet. I had a lot to do the last 5 days or so.
Probably further from figuring out what I want to do than I was before lol.
One thing that's really interesting to me, I thought running my business was tiring me out and holding me back and the fact of the matter is your either going to do something or your not, it doesn't really matter what obstacles you have in front of you.
I say this because my first "week off" I had good intentions but really just kinda fucked around, did stuff but not the stuff that really needed to be done. I've been working on building a wordpress site to kind of have a home base for social media and trying to figure out a way to monetize some type of content as opposed to just being reliant on ads which won't cut it.
I decided I'm not gonna do the merchant processing stuff. Still considering real estate. Have been looking at some "fun" jobs like working in a weed growing greenhouse or something like that. I have a trip to Aruba comming up in about a month so probably won't bother trying to get a job leading up to that so kinda gonna give myself the next month to see what I can get going. I may not get a job after that either but at least leading up to that it's not even a possibility even if I wanted to probably.
The past week or two has been kinda hard trying to decompress from things and at the same time having kind of a crisis of confidence not not being in a good positive mindset and wanting to make videos. I'm feeling good today so trying to get as much done as I can. I kinda wrestle with ups and downs of my moods and when i'm down its hard being positive and creating content.
WHat you been up to? I see you got your internet speed taken care of. What have you been doing with yourself? You goign to stick around in Indiana for a little while now that you have the internet taken care of? We'll definitely have to hangout again sometime soon.
I know the feeling you are going through. There have even been times when I have told myself I have wanted to do things and then when everything feel into place to do that it was like I still wasn't doing it and I started to question if I was just a mental masturbating McBitch deep down. LOL
Also it is hard to know if the time you spend in a day is ever enough.
I think that trip to Aruba will be a great thing because it will be a change of pace and you will get a lot of stuff for content.
I got the Internet figured out which was good and then I'm still sorting out where I'm going to workout before I turn into a complete chubster.
I'm sort of helping out online with a EOS hackathon they are having for people in Africa right now. Then the good news is they are sending me to San Francisco in November for the hackathon out there which will be dope.
I'm also doing some consulting with a company out of San Diego for their project they are bringing over to EOS. I have already created the token on the testnet and the mainnet and everything so that project is going good and they want to expand the scope of what they are having me do.
I want to ramp up my efforts on the content creation but I feel like I have so many thing to sort of catch up on it is hard to get everything going but I'm making good progress.
Yeah I would like to hit up the Michigan beaches soon. Even if it is only 55. I don't care. I will still get in the water and run around on the beach to warm up!
Also my sister and I were thinking about going on a trip to an amusement park like Cedar Point or Six Flaggs. I don't know if you and your girlfriend would like to join in on something like that?