Photo By Min An from Pexels
Sometimes we look in the mirror wanting to change who we are, feeling uncomfortable with the passing of the years, or because we simply don't love ourselves. I think we have all gone through that at some point because we have been taught that we should have an ideal body and perfect faces that are far from reality.
Our physical body is the temple of our soul and therefore we must take care of it as much as we take care of our spirit. A perfect body to the eye will not do much good if what it carries is a broken soul.
The key is the harmony of everything that makes up our being. Feeling good goes hand in hand with looking good. Whereas the other way around it will be difficult to function. We are much more than what a mirror shows us, we are also everything we feel, think, and desire. We are all those battles, victories, and defeats we have been through. We are more than what we see and we can give more than we think.