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RE: Habibi's Oranges.

Dear Managing Director of SteemWorld Wallet,

You have delegated my writing to you specifically - whose name I don't know - a writing I would never have sent to my kind investor Onno Vocks who is patiently waiting for his $0.03 vote returns.

The man with a heart too big you hardly deserve him on your staff list, has of course taken up your request to reply to me promptly, which at least informed me of the additional features of the pretty dial. I would never have written to his department directly concerning these matters in my upset tone, because unlike with you and the ceaseless confusion at your end of things, I have no grief with him and he and I are communicating most transparently. He had warned me well in advance of the struggle to keep my vote above $0.02 and informed of the drop in steem immediatly; while I saw for myself already today that it is now rising again. I learn, but you, SteemWorld Wallet director need to get better designers on the job.

When I opened my account with you, I got no manual on how to understand my wallet. Content providers with no financial sense are hereby, clearly, very much duped. I resent the lack of intent to educate us. As if it's more convenient to keep us dumb. That was the reason for my writing to you specifially with the urge to understand how such aspects are surely to remain uninviting for others to join the platform, and it is regretful that we have wasted OV's precious time (he has many, many more pressing tasks to attend to).

So now we know there are always "more numbers" and I still only have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. Perhaps, it will help to go barefoot on Steemit, to also have ten toes at my disposition, concomittant with the growing spaghetti junction of numbers here. We do not know, however, how to change the setting on the colourful dial to make my reality convene with the real value of my vote.

Yours sincerely,
Sukhasanasister, not your Suki.

P.S. I shall be consulting with my private account manager OV, as his Suki, on what to do with CCC. I don't understand the tribes. If I stake 188.9939 (groan... out of toes: what kind of power does that add up to? Can't find conversion tables.) - what I have earned there so far - to creative power what do I get? Any effect on my steem account/power?? Do I want to stay involved with creative coin and use the hashtag? Why can't they be bothered to come over to my place at steem? It's an inconvenient site to be on, excluding so many other followers, but looking so much the same you forget where you are at 3 in the morning.

Is it a different currency or affiliated, or what.... I can't find a comparison with the tiny bit I know about money in real world. I presume it doesn't want to be "lost"/ transferred to steemit for steem power instead of CCC power... but what's the net difference (in power? or in $? or in market position?? )

Should I then stake what I have so far? Should I carry on exploring what can be made there. I don't the value of CCC so how much did I make thanks to them? How to "close"such an account, anyway? Or is it precisely an option you think we should keep open... It sort of just happened so it might well serve a purpose I can't identify. Your call.


Hi Suki,

Not da managgher, ..uhgain. He's out on a Boca Raton Golf course having a Beer with Rush Limbaugh and Alice Cooper. At this point I would not stake anything, nor would I advice to buy more Steem. At this time I'm moving things around which will take 5 days. At that time I will make a determination what I will do next, but, I'll probably reserve enough Steem to float the both of us for a while and power down and sell the rest if the situation worsens.

I know nothing about CCC, zip, zero, zilch, nada, nessuna cosa.

Since management is getting hammered, erm, schnackerd on the Golf course, I took the liberty to prepare a little sump'in' for ya to help you get an accurate readout for yer vote value. Just follow the bouncing ball, oh wait, ..we don't use them anymore since most balls end up in the canal or lake with the Alligators by the golf course. Ok, I'll number the steps for ya, how's that?

Screenshot from 2019-08-12 16-57-21.png

The magic happens at step 3, use the drop down arrow to change the 2 to a 4 so it no longer fools you into thinking you have $0.03 when in reality you have 0.0281 which rounded up will show as $0.03.

What to do with the rest of the platform is not up to me, and Steemit management has ignored me for 2 years so in all likelihood will continue to do so. Lucky me! Who wants the job now, eh?

Actually, the German guy behind Steemworld is awesome!

Regardless of what happens to Steemit, or if they fire me like Frumpf, I will leave with something precious they can't ever take from me: fond memories of Suki..

Who is stopping the German guy's awesomeness from dripping down?

I only said that because you mentioned SteemWorld Wallet, but the Wallet is Steem and Steem World is Steemchiller who is an awesome programmer, and a really nice guy. Just making sure no one takes offense where none was intended. Probably a moot point if no one reads my blog, but you never know.

Edit: a comment went missing about the buttons.