Child marriage is a formal marriage or informal union entered into by an individual before reaching a certain age, specified by Child Right Act, 2003 as 18 years. Child marriage threatens girls’ opportunity and access to education, as such girl from a tender age will be faced with family issues, early pregnancy, health risks, in addition to sexual and domestic violence.
These series of event makes it difficult to combine the onerous responsibilities of being a wife and mother, with schooling.
Child marriage is one of the most potent threats to the right of 'Girl Child Education' Worldwide.
A global menace estimated at 17% and 43% for girl child at age 15 and 18 respectively. It is especially worrisome in Africa as the continent host 17% of the total 700 million women alive and married as children.
According to UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children (2016), Nigeria ranked 13th in the prevalence of child marriage across the globe.
Poverty escape mechanism.
Contrary to the popular attribution of religion as a major driver for child marriage, economic challenges rank higher a major contributor to child marriage prevalence. In contrast to privileged families, parents with little economic opportunity (for example, northern Nigeria which records a significant high rate of child marriage) cannot afford to cater for themselves or their children. This has significantly made the release of the girl child for marriage as a means of financial intervention for such families.
A significant reduction in Child marriage was recorded when researchers placed “Bottom of Pyramid” families on financial interventions.
Child marriage is a threat to education, health and the human right of the girl child, which ultimately deprives societies of the intellectual and financial/livelihood contributions of girls, and of their offspring.
Too Big to Handle?
Even in the face of existing legislative laws prohibiting Child marriage in Nigeria like the Child Right Act (2003), the world watch on as front line senators acquire 13 years old Egyptian as a “new bride”. A paradox for players in institution expected to make laws break them with reckless abandon.
Why we must all be Involved.
There is a saying that – Educate a woman translates to educating a generation. The blindfolding of the populace to the wild fire has the great potential to consume us all.
Have you ever asked yourself – How bitter about life is that girl that had been deprived of Education?
How much hatred will such woman translate to the kids?
We are essentially building a gun powder for us all.
Act Now
Leveraging on citizen’s awareness to create a critical mass needed to pressurize the arms of government; Executive, Judiciary in enforcing the law and the proactive court process for legal cases involving child marriage.
If these already existing laws can be enforced, I believe there will be a massive reduction in the percentage of girls who are married before attaining full maturity, thereby, more girls in Africa will be in school.
You know this child bride thing goes beyond poverty, I was reading on a social media site not too long ago..son of a popular affluent man in the North, came out and was defending kids being married off, he gave reasons saying it was their culture, their religion supports it, and many other bs...this nonsense is etched deep in their brains...
you are very correct. The child marriage is a confluence of so many factors.
and I believe we will achieve much when we take each factor once at a time.
Thank you for bringing the issue of child marriage up again. Its really painful that some of our political leaders who are given the mandate to enforce such laws are equally guilty of this same offence.
Some religions belief also lend strong support towards child marriage.
I think we should not give up but we should intensify our campaign on it.
It’s quite worrisome, I’m even more concerned about the the socio-economic impact of this trend.
I totally agree with you - we must ALL intensify our campaign against it .
Thanks for reading sir.