Something Fishy

in #pet7 years ago

I want to get a pet fish but my mom says that I need lots of machines to keep the water clean and do other stuff to keep the fish healthy. I think that I could take care of a fish with just a fish tank, fish food, and something to clean the tank every once in a while, but my mom thinks I cant so I wont be getting a fish any time soon.

I would like to have a pet reptile or something like that but I can't get anything without spending money on food and other things to take care of it and my parents do not want me to be spending that much money on a pet.

Are there any pets that you would like to have?



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We went through so many pets. Giant snails, beetles, caterpillars, tortoise, hermit crab. My favorite was the hermit crab. It is nocturnal through and tries to get out of its box an night. At 2 am I heard some scratching noise and found it trying to get outside. It eventually died of boredom.

John decided to raise a cactus instead.
Good luck

Have you tried to grow a venus fly trap? or a sundew plant?


Oh my Gosh... that is so crazy but a great idea. I think he will love it.

Do you have mosquitos or fruit flies? Great! Lunch for the plant!

Yes. Tons in the summer but not in the winter. You are on to something.

During the summer they are supposed to (die) then in the summer they will grow back, so if it looks like it has died don't throw it away.