10 Pets Unique and Funny

in #pet8 years ago

10 Pets Unique and Funny, In this world consists of various types of pets, ranging from rare and even unique and funny that you have never met. Maybe some of you like with animals unique to the keep, but to keep one of these animals must obtain permission from he Government, because most of these unique animals are rare animals are protected by the government of the State of origin.

  1. Hedgehog

  2. Skunk

  3. Fennec Fox

  4. Pot-bellied Pigs

  5. Ant

  6. Flying squirrels

  7. sponger

  8. Chinchillas

    Chinchillas is kind of an animal similar to a squirrel lands, but these animals have a stronger body and also larger than ground squirrels and have larger ears. These animals come from the United States, this animal is fit to be kept cold climate region and has a unique animal fur is very smooth and is like a bush.

  9. Sooty-headed Bulbul

  10. Marmots

    At first glance if we look almost similar to the guinea pig hamster, guinea pig, but it has a larger body size and have more endurance stronger. But this marmot is very tame and has a beautiful coat color, it is not a few people who are interested in keep these animals.

Well, if among pet over there that makes you keen to keep him?


Cute! I've always like the chinchilla! I had gerbils when I was a kid.

i have a pet rust. an iron redox reaction that dwells in a jar. all it needs is iron, air, water and every once in a while i give it a pinch of salt.

kind of pet would it be?

it is an ongoing chemical reaction, i can't pet it, i guess i can put it in my lap but most importantly if i forget to feed or water it, it doesn't die. my cat tells me when he is hungry. my plants didn't. they didn't make it. my rust, named Red, won't die, it only goes dormant and waits for conditions to improve to proceed. also, it is not offended when i call it a rust bucket.