
There are different types of roses in this world. But then it looks like all kinds of roses

Beautiful flower photography dear.

Very beautiful flowers 💕

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i was just about to make a post about roses too @adrianobalan. Ours, like yours in the top picture, are fast going over. 😢

Un maravilloso espectáculo natural demuestra en tus fotografías, soy admiradora de las Rosas… Muy Hermoso!

Gracias por compartir tu Excelente trabajo.

Simple and beautiful 😊👍🏻

Good photography

Very beautiful flower photo,this kind of flower is also available here, i love it, it reminds me the mercy of almighty, who has created the all natures, He is the creator, He is the nourisher, maintainer, sustainer, we should obey His Command, He is Allah, we have to back again to Him. He is free from all partnership. thank you very much for such a good post.

Posted using Partiko Android

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