A law change that protect you from an evil sibling

in #petition4 years ago (edited)

Suggested laws:

1- To remove financial incentive for destroying a sibling, if a child die before parents, his future heritage would not be heriated by alive child. The dead sibling share of parents' heritage will be confiscated or acted as dead sibling will (as if he were alive)

2- (optional) Sometimes the incentive for destroying a sibling is something more than financial greed. So if one child died before certain age (defined by law e.g. 50) even after parents, there should be a fine on alive siblings' heritage, even maybe confiscating whole of his heritage.

My story: For myself, only an event caused that I found out troubles caused by my brother were on purpose. I don't mention all annoyances, but below I mention ones that could happen to you, too: Several times he destroyed my mattresses, when I wasn't in my room. I was thinking the problem is my body or bad quality of mattresses. It was very devastating.

Recently, he (or his devil fiancé) used carcinogen in my food. When I found out I have cancer it was too late to prove anything, because the poison has been excreted from my body long time ago

Sometimes the incentive for destroying you is something more than greed, like my case that in the beginning, he wanted to bring me down to his level because he wanted to pass his young ages without being forced to go to university by my parents. He made me his shield. Or sometimes your sibling wants to destroy you just because you have occupied the sofa in the morning.

Note 1: The reason nobody suggested this before me is that, victims of this situation, are died before they have chance to think or talk. A rare specific situation in my country given me this chance before death

Note 2: I don't live in a democracy to create a petition for it my self.



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