9 Ways Your Dog Shows It Loves You

in #pets5 years ago

If Your Dog Does These Things – They Probably Love You Lots!

Dogs can’t talk human, why would they want to? Expression of inner feelings doesn’t have to come from words and our precious pups are the prime examples as action takers. Where actions speak volumes louder than words, let’s dive into the adorable ways that your dog shows love and care.

Expression of Endearment

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Every now and then, your pup will reveal a relaxed expression that is accompanied by an open mouth and gazing eyes. If your dog is relaxed, steadily breathing, it is showing its emotions of content and happiness. We sometimes look at our own pups and it feels like they’re about burst into a round of laughter as they look at us with great adoration.

Becoming a Peeping Tom

We’ve talked about cats acting as peeping toms at home but dogs do it too. Every dog owner will come to have the experience of a pair of furry eyes watching them silently as they go off into another room, even the bathroom. Your pup will enjoy freedom but they will periodically look back you to make sure you’re okay, we might even say dogs are trying to tell us “You’re always on my mind”.

Jumping For Joy

Getting home after a long day away will often be met by the bursting excitement of a certain canine companion. Your dog will wag its tail in anticipation of your arrival, monitoring the door and windows. Reaching your doorstep, don’t be surprised to hear frantic jumping and calls at the door as your dog greets you with love.

You Can Lean on Me

Forget personal space when keeping a loving and adorable dog at home. Social distancing doesn’t exist in the dog world and your dog will almost always want some contact time. A connection and bond can be felt as your dog unconsciously gravitates towards your presence, even adjusting its resting position to be that little bit close to you. You can’t shake a dog, simply embrace your pups love and let them get involved in everything possible.

Gazes of Affection

Intense staring can be intimidating and in most cases, dogs tend to avoid direct eye contact. Yet in a loving environment that supports confidence, your dog will engage in direct eye contact now and then. Your dog stares with the intent to follow your moves as they respect and love you deeply. Sharing eye contact now and then isn’t a bad idea and petting them for this is a great way to stimulate oxytocin, a chemical that heavily reduce stress. Feel loved and happy together.

The Loving Dog Lick

Dogs love to show their affection through licking. Whether it’s on your hand or face, be prepared for a healthy helping of love and slobber. Dogs have a long history with humans over time, domestication has lead them to be highly and our understanding of them has been bolstered by this longstanding connection over time. Licking shows respect and obedience as a trusted master in the household along with their deep affection. If you’ve ever had a cry at home or felt down, dogs have a sense for emotion too. Your dog will lick you to show its own way of consoling you in tough times, it may even be a wake-up call when it’s really needed.

Belly Exposure and Rubs

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Any relationship rides on an understanding of trust and dogs will show their level of trust through actions. Exposing their abdomen area by rolling onto their backs is one the pinnacle states of trust and love. Their belly is vulnerable area that is kept safe at all times through instinct but dogs expose their bellies to those they feel safe around. In some cases it may be a sign of submission to an oppressive presence but at home with a loving master will most likely be the former. Respond to your dog with a gentle touch and words of love, be careful not to stumble over their unprotected belly.

Sharing is Caring

Dogs are almost selfless when it comes to sharing their most prized possessions. They will seek ways to share their joy and happiness with their loved ones and gifting their favorite toys to you is an invitation to play together. Interacting and playing with your dog is a fulfilling way to spend time together and it’s your presence and reciprocation that makes the experience ever more enjoyable for your dog. They would not be as happy if they were left alone with the toy, so seize every opportunity possible to share your dog’s joy.

Head Rubs on Legs

When a dog wants to show its love, they will seek contact and close interaction. Rubbing its head against your body is a common way for a dog to show its affection and social willingness at home. It’s also a way for a dog to spread its scent on an owner and leave a tentative claim that you are their loved owner. It’s best to respond to these social interactions with equally warm actions, stroke and cuddle your pup and continue to build a loving relationship. Woof! 🧡

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"My sister gave a puppy to me as a keepsake gift. She gave it to me before she moved to Europe. I learned many tips about taking care of pets. I also studied the dog ACL surgery that is essential in bringing back the dog on its paws. However, I do not want you to let your dog unleashed alone in open traffic areas.
