Losing a Beloved Pet

in #pets3 years ago

As some of you may be aware, my sweet and sassy tabby cat recently passed away at the ripe old age of seventeen and a half.

Evey was my bossy friend and constant companion for over 10 years, so it was tough to lose her, even though I knew her time was drawing near. She was a very special cat and we shared a close bond to each other.

I was fortunate enough to be there to nurse her through her final hours, and comfort her as she passed over.

A new cat actually turned up in my life quite soon after which was lovely, but it doesn't take away the pain and grief of losing a furry member of the family, because they really cannot simply be "replaced."

I wanted to address a few points from a spiritual point of view today, that may help you if you are dealing with the grief of losing a beloved animal companion. The death of a beloved pet can be as painful as losing a friend or relative, and I think this is sometimes played down, scorned or looked down upon by those who do not experience such bonds and love with their pets. They are not "just a pet" they are family.

**Do pets go to the spirit world? **

Yes, I'm certain that they do.
In my work as a medium, I have met many animals in spirit, and sometimes brought through messages from cats or dogs who have passed over and wish to communicate with people they knew and loved who are still alive.

Cats go to the same place we do, so I'm confident that when it's my time to go, my precious kitties will all be there waiting to greet me when I leave this lifetime!

Do pets come back to visit us after they pass?

Yes, they absolutely do.

If you've recently lost a pet, you may swear that you can hear their collar or the sound of them meowing, scratching, whining or making some other familiar sound at times. You might even think you see them out of the corner of your eye.

There are many ways that our beloved pets communicate from the spirit world, and these are the same ways that people who have passed over use to contact us, and let us know that they are alright.

Sometimes you may feel them with you, or swear that you just felt them jump up on the bed as you're drifting off to sleep. I want to let you know that if you believe that happened, you can trust that it did. Your pet was letting you know that they are still around, and it's easier for them to do so while you are drifting off to sleep and the conscious mind is out of the way.

Will my deceased pets show up in my dreams?

Quite possibly.

Another way that pets let us know that they are ok is by appearing in our dreams after they pass away. This may not happen immediately, but many pets will show up in our dreams, if only in passing.

They do this to let us know that they are happy and well in the spirit world. They may even show up with relatives or friends who have passed to the other side too.

Please never worry if your pet appears in a dream. This is a positive sign that your pet loves you and wants you to know they are ok.


Your deceased pets still love you and see you, even from the other side. They will have forgiven you for any mistakes you made or harm you think you caused them. They will hear you when you think of them, and may try to let you know that they are near in various little ways.

Grief is a natural emotion, and I think it's healthy to grieve for an animal that you had a loving connection and relationship with. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have the right to be sad or to invalidate how you feel.

I hope that this information will help to ease your pain if you are struggling with the loss of an animal friend. Our pets are never truly lost to us, they just move on from the physical plane to go to a new one, where they are happy and free from any pain or suffering, and where we will all join them soon enough.