I am gonna get a little kitten in about 3 days and i am a bit nervous. The only pets i had so far are a few fish and 2 parrots, so basicly i had cat food... now i get a grey kitty and i am not prepared at all.
Do not know what to do, what to get, where to place it .... so many new things and so little time.
I feel the need of a little soul in my life, something else to be home when i get there... hope i am doing the right thing.
If there are any cat lovers out here, please help me with some advice.
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Wow cute, i like it @dududagrav !! I will follow you please follow and Upvote me @sanu thank you
Don't be nervous! I have 3. They will let you know what they want. All are different, but each makes you heart-healthy. 💕💕
well i don't speak cat.... how will i know?
Lol. Oh, believe me, you will know. They speak to us in their own special way that for some reason we understand.
One thing I would say that I'm glad I did with the kitten is get her used to me clipping her nails. I encourage you to get a cat clipper and keep the nails clipped, every 2 or 3 weeks. Just careful not to clip too much. Have your vet show you how.
And never ever declaw a cat.
You're going to have lots of fun!
huh... this sounds interesting. any advice for a feeding a baby cat? milk or there are some special products?
If it's weaned, soft food as well as kibble. If weaned too early, petsmart has special milk you can feed w dropper. Get kitty litter for sure... scoop away (low dust). 🐱
well i think this will be mine, i received a couple of pics with cats and i know one of them shall be mine. dunno for sure yet.