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RE: The F@$king Cat

in #petsofsteemit7 years ago

that cat looks a bit like the one in Salem's lot!

i am not a cat person. but i do respect them for one trait: they know what they want. they are crystal clear about their likes/dislikes. there is no compromise when it comes to what they can deal with. as you have pointed, fear is a useless emotion to them.

I knew a cat that had jumped on a dog and had nearly scratched his eyeball out. from then on, the dog kept howling whenever he came close to the cat. the cat would just sit back and look at him as if it was sizing him up for the next time!

enjoy yourself


You are dead right my friend. A couple of claw scratches would have anyone howling. I learnt early on never to rub a cats belly. I still have the 16 scars. 😂😂😂. Thanks for the comment .