I have downvoted you as you are on my banlist (likely as a known bot/plagiarist/spammer).
I am a robot, to help support the stop of spam, help flag bad posts!
If you think this is a mistake, please come to the steemitabuse channel in slack.
slack if you think I am misbehaving. Please help fighting spam! Upvote this post to strengthen the bot, downvote the parent post if it has positive upvotes.I am a downvote bot. Contact @pharesim at
Oops, I thought pharasim was downvoting pharasim. I see he deliberately downvotes certain comments. Glad to hear it! I was addressing "good bots" in my FAQ. No link, but if you check me out, you'll see it.
Thank you so much pharasim for inventing this downvote bot. I've been trying to tell users that we need good bots like this, and you've already done it.
I have downvoted you as you are on my banlist (likely as a known bot/plagiarist/spammer).
I am a robot, to help support the stop of spam, help flag bad posts!
If you think this is a mistake, please come to the steemitabuse channel in slack.
You are stealing others' content and post it on your blog. That's not ok.
slack if you think I am misbehaving. Please help fighting spam! Upvote this post to strengthen the bot, downvote the parent post if it has positive upvotes.I am a downvote bot. Contact @pharesim at
Oops, I thought pharasim was downvoting pharasim. I see he deliberately downvotes certain comments. Glad to hear it! I was addressing "good bots" in my FAQ. No link, but if you check me out, you'll see it.
Thank you so much pharasim for inventing this downvote bot. I've been trying to tell users that we need good bots like this, and you've already done it.