DAHAHAHA PooP house for sale!! Nice one!!f I will laugh at that one even when I reach the age of 100. You know the trespassing signs that say, "violators will be prosecuted" I need to have a sticker made that says, "Prostituted" instead. So if you trespass... yep your A-- is gonna be sold one the street. HAHAHAHA
By the way... can you send me a couple bowls of what you are having?
Prostituted—Ha! Only thing would’ve been better than that is if I thought of it myself. ManC I’ve never looked at a for sale sign the same since! Haha... good memory there.
Always a pleasure hanging out with you Splatts, you’re good for this platform, sir.
I can do you even better than that, all you gotta do is fly across the Atlantic. 👍🏿