Are you "suggesting" we pop round for a cuppa with chocolate dunkable digestives and cheesecake? I think there's a lot of English in you too @fionasfavourites 😁
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Are you "suggesting" we pop round for a cuppa with chocolate dunkable digestives and cheesecake? I think there's a lot of English in you too @fionasfavourites 😁
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Well spotted @nickyhavey given my Mum was English and I was born in Oxford.... :P
And yes, you might just get tea - in a pot and one or other biscuit to dunk. Perhaps a traditional rusk though - you'd and @cheese4ead'd be converts....
Ah I remember you saying you were born in Oxford. That's actually where @cheese4ead and I met in September but we had a roast and soft drinks instead 😁
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Small world... I was born in the Radcliffe. My granny lived on Cowley's where my parents were staying when I was born and the last house I stayed in before coming to South Africa :D
Actually, I think one of my PHC top 3 posts had a picture of a younger granny outside that house.
I'm in! 😁