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RE: The Bill and Melinda Gates Annual Letter for 2017

in #philanthropy8 years ago

You made this claim:

This would not likely be evident to the Gates'es, to Mr. Buffett nor to any of the other 1810 Dollar Billionaires, the 14-30 million Dollar Millionaires, in fact perhaps only a few in the 1% Club would understand

I was just wondering what basis you had for it. I think many in positions of wealth and power of that size no quite a bit more than we may give them credit for, partly because they can afford very smart advisors. That's just my opinion though.


We could take a Survey...

But seriously, My Goal here is single-minded.

Just like the Very Rich, who now are feeling perhaps a little guilty having amassed such wealth, I, being just above the Poverty line, want to help Society as best as I can, too.

If I ever get a little time to get back to my Intro page, you will see me as "more than just a pretty face".

Story to follow,

Perhaps I should not be discussing my (poverty) strategy with you, as I see you are one of the founders group - just behind @infovore (a contributor to Steem 101). I have a post to prepare that mentions your fantastic Intro page, but if I keep typing here it will not get done....and the world will be missing more of the great work from @hermitthewriter (Phil Lloyd to my friends).

Write on, Phil. :)