Petai shrimp recipes
10 yellow shrimp
1 large onion seed
3 onions
4 garlic
1 spoon of chili
1 large spoon
Acid water
How to:
Heat oil and shrimp fries instantly.
Also stir the red onions and chopped garlic and chili so cili is completely crisp with a slow fire.
Once crisp, put sugar first. It will make the red sauce beautiful. Flatten all newly put petai, acid water and salt.
End once enter the shrimps that have been fried and chaotic flat. Adjust flavor and flame cap. If you like, may also enter a large onion that is rounded and chaotic so slightly wilted before the fire closed. Ready to serve.
Very gooood👏👏👍👍
There are so many ways to cook shrimp it blows me away.
This looks simple, straightforward and yummy, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the comments