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RE: Help Us Move Away From Dog Killers!

in #philippines8 years ago (edited)

@titusfrost @mandalor-ghost @thecryptofiend

My wife is Filipina. She lives with me in Mexico. Mia has her doctorates in human behavior, an RN license and kicked ass in the corporate world.

My two kids currently live in the Philippines. In one more year, they will all be college graduates. Gian and Alexa are two of the classiest kids you will meet.

My wife's family is ranks in the top three of most honorable families I have met. A quick glance will show you there is a lot of fantastic stuff going on in their country. You can meet them here. The first picture that pops up are them.

This "dog killer"article paints an unfair picture of the Filipino culture and demeans the family in the photo. This articl matches a lot of American propaganda that's used to control their citizen's minds.

Their minds are so polluted with their government's lies, it's made them insane. Some of them actually want to see this family murdered!

I know the author of this article and her husband. I consider them friends. They would never do something intentionally to harm their country so I'm not throwing rocks at them.

Obviously they are also stricken with poverty as evidenced by the hard work they placed in this article to raise money to move.

They may reconsider their position and possibly edit in the reason the dog is dead. Big love to you two. I'm sending you $25 USD worth of Steem in a second.

I'm going to try and not throw rocks at the commenters but I am going to bean them in the head with a pebble. Probably a sharp pebble so they have to scratch their heads. I had to scratch mine after reading their American logic.

"Thou shalt kill all humans who eat dogs. Thou shalt never kill a dog for food."

This mock verse is the exact logic the commenters are using and it makes as much sense as the Bible.

Your comments actually enraged me because they are violent, judgmental and mean spirited.

If you would kill a poverty stricken foreigner for eating a dog, then turn the gun on yourself unless you are a strict vegetarian. If it's not immoral to eat one animal then it's not immoral to eat another.

How does the pig feel in your stomach? Did you know pigs have the same intelligence as a dog?

How does it feel to use your teeth as a monster to rip the flesh from a chicken. Then you chew the flesh and swallow the dead animal.

How is a dog worth more than a chicken? or pig? or goat? or cow? Let's say a dog is worth more. Is it worth so much more that pig killers are justified when the murder a dog eater?

Take that angry judgmental and violent spirit and shove it up your hams. lol. That was totally a joke. Trying to lighten things up so I don't get enraged again.

The family in the photo is preparing the dog to eat. A portion of the population there (the poverty stricken portion) do not feel eating a dog is wrong. They saw their grandmothers and parents eat dogs all their lives.

If you lost the birth lottery and had a Filipina mother instead of a white-pride American mother, you would be digesting a poodle at this moment instead of a bird.

You should all call your mothers and inform them they raised you wrong. No don't. I retract that.

I forgot American mothers take their kids to a cult every Sunday so they can learn proper human behavior. Their teacher? The murderous villain they call Jesus.

How would your invisible master instruct you in this matter if you sat at his feet like he commands? WWJD? Even he would protect the poor family by telling you to not murder the dog eaters.

Instead, he would arm you with bombs and command you to wipe out mass populations in the name of freedom and justice.

Since the commenters/murderers are so moral and upright, how much money did you send this author to help with their move. I assume y'all are from the United States which means you are the most moral, upright, and honorable people in the world.

There is absolutely no way the United States or their citizens can claim the moral high ground over the Philippines. In fact, the U.S. is probably the most immoral society on the planet.

The Philippines has a poverty problem but it's not because the people are unwilling to work. In fact, the Filipinos are known as some of the best workers in the world.

This is why you find large population of Filipinos in Dubai and other wealthy cities. They go abroad to work and send the money back to their families.

Some families do not have members who are able to work abroad therefore they don't receive outside money. These families must live in shacks as pictured in the dog photo.

A person must have class and perfect hygiene to work in Dubai and other places they go for work. It's difficult to talk up-close with one in five Americans. Their breath or other parts smell too bad.

BTW...I was a strict vegetarian for 3 years but haven't been one for five. My American kids are still vegetarian.

BTW...I love the Americans as much as I love the Filipinos as much as I love the Koreans as much as I love the Iraqis. I'm pointing out their faults at the moment because of their outlandish and absurd desire to see the family in the photo murdered.

Before you comment next time, you should brush your teeth. After all, you need to keep your teeth so you can continue eating American approved animals.


Hey. We talked already, but I'm commenting for other readers, and I'm adding a couple of things to what I said earlier.

(1) Republic Act 8485 (mentioned above) prohibits dog killing in the Philippines, but it isn't enough to make me say that what these people are doing is wrong. I'm not a statist and anyone who knows me knows that. As an aside, I do and say plenty of things that would at the very least (!) get me deported by the immigration gang if found out. "The law" isn't the standard for what's right or wrong.

(2) Some Filipino friends/neighbors are as enraged over this as the commenters above. Two well-respected neighbors want us to report the people out back and one Filipino buddy from Metro Manila went so far as to call them "fucking savages." When he called them that, I was so pissed off that I said "yeah," but I did so because of an entire litany of factors and not the dog-killing alone. However, in retrospect, I have to say that I was wrong and I shouldn't have said "yeah." Some will disagree.

(3) The post above isn't meant to paint a bad picture of the Philippines. @awesomenyl is a Filipina and we both love the Philippines. It's our home. And again, whether or not their anger is misdirected, Filipino friends and neighbors are just as upset as the commenters above. Americans and other foreigners aren't alone; some Filipinos right next to us are just as enraged as they are and as I initially was.

(4) If I'm honest with myself, I can't say that it's inherently wrong to eat a dog (don't shoot me, people), but I'm conflicted and I'm debating with myself over it. What separates dogs from fish or chicken? I'm not sure, and I'm definitely not a vegetarian or vegan.

I'm a Christian, and in the New Covenant era, Old Testament food laws are done away with, their purpose having been fulfilled. (Dog-eating would have been a no-no in the Old Covenant.) Humane treatment of animals is imperative, but as it relates to food, the imago dei that separates humanity from other parts of creation makes it so that human cannibalism is inherently immoral, but dog-eating isn't. One day it will end, though, and there will be no more death or meat-eating of any kind.

Still, I wish the people out back would have killed one of their many chickens instead, or maybe the rooster that wakes me up every morning. (Haha.)

(5) I don't understand the relevance of U.S. churches to this discussion. Many of my U.S. friends don't go to church and a lot of people here in the Philippines do. The body of Christ is worldwide, and interestingly, it's growing in China more than ever via underground churches.

BTW, Barry, we've talked about this before, but I have a foundation upon which to say that murder is wrong. I'd like to know what yours is and why it's authoritative. (I object to the notion that Jesus is a murderer, by the way.) We both know murder is wrong and I'm glad you call out murderous attitudes when necessary. I'd just like to know upon what basis, given your worldview. Also, what separates a dog or chicken from a human being? Cannibalistic cultures have existed, after all.