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RE: Tropical storm "Trami". / Tropensturm "Trami".

in #philippines4 months ago

Children might not really think that far ahead about consequences of such extreme weather as long as they have never experienced any traumatic events at such days. Our neighbourhood is a rather safe zone and comparably well maintanined so that they don't feel insecure that much.
However it's ofcourse especially boring days for them because the school was closed for the whole week and they have to stay indoor without anything interesting could be done.
Especially when the electricity connection was broken and we didn't have power for 2 days, that made it unbearable for them cos they can't even watch TV, no internet either ..hence the school didn't even give them any assignment to do as usual when the school is closed.
I guess it's because they understood too that it's simply impossible for many of the pupils to learn cos there's probably no electricity in some areas.
Repair is impossible to be done in such weather afterall.
I'm mostly worried of my food in the freezer LOL.
But well...we shouldn't complain that much considering many people in this country suffered more than us.
That's quite an experience indeed...and now we learned to at least buy a generator to charge our phone and emergency lamps :-D.


Oh! That's a really terrible situation. I overlooked that you had no electricity for 2 days.... Hope you are all doing fine now. 😍

p.s. During my childhood, I hated to go to school and was really happy whenever there were floods and my school had to close for a long time.... Sorry, but that's me! Haha! 😀

During my childhood, I hated to go to school ...

Same here! :)

Really! So, we are true friends! Haha!... ;D