My Inspiration

By: Lloyd Joseph D. Orzales (@mr-cigarro)
Dedicated To: Rogelyn P. Peter
I’ve spent sleepless nights
Thinking of you,
I wonder what are the things you do.
I’m curious of what you’re
Thinking about,
And I want to know if you’re in or out
It is your lovely smile that inspire me,
to reach my goals and destiny.
I always remember your
challenging words,
That strikes my heart like
a pointed sword.
You help me change my life anew,
That’s the life I dedicated to you.
I offer you the success that
I have achieved,
And I thank you for the
praises that I received.
That is so lovely. I wish I could say the same if I had one, you are so expressive man, Keep it up!
thank you man!..:D
followed & upvoted!
please do the same for me as well :)