In the Philippines issues on drugs and prostitutions arguments provide a vague conception of what ought to be an ideal deterrent in thwarting the growth of crime in the country. But how can real problems are effectively overcome?
We have vast criminals behind bars who had lived wickedly. Most of them were cursed by poverty and subverted by society depriving them the chance to be educated, mentally and spiritually. Most of them lived in slums and became menace to society.

Undeniably, we have also painful images of children as victims of bizarre violence and rape. Could we expect them to be productive citizens in the future? Urban poor kids keep wandering dangerously into permanent lifestyles of abuse and neglect. Some teenagers become killers and rapist and we’ve played armchair psychologists trying to figure out what made them do such crimes. Pro-death penalty passed a senate bill lowering criminal age from 18 to 16 as candidate in the death row. Others blamed Mass Media for the rapid increase of crimes.

We have sordid experiences from the past regarding the twisted face of crimes and as we tried to break out of our shell as a third world country, let us not forget that instead of wallowing in this drugs and prostitutions issues, we can try harder to provide the basic things that our children need guidance, food for the heart and stomach, education and safety.

President Rodrigo R. Duterte suggests ensuring the economic condition of the country though the DUTERTENOMICS as a force to beat poverty. That would be very indeed, it’s the one who steers the process wouldn’t be drowned by power.