This pandemic showed a lot of things to realize. Doing nothing everyday but to check on updates with the rising of infected persons is quit scary. Thinking about the lost lives and loss of the world's economy is something that we all must be worried about. However, we have nothing to do with it. It is indeed hard to fight against something that isn't visible. We don't even know if we - ourselves are not infected with the virus and our family is safe. Hearing news about the front liners fighting for the nation 'til their last breath is kinda heart breaking.
Being a simple citizen who has nothing to do but stay home is way better than the people who can't say no to their duties right?
Boredom is hitting you? Surely it is, but endure it as it is the only way to help the world.
Today, I realized things that i didn't usually think about during the normal cycle of life.
- The safest place in the whole world is your HOME.
- Money isn't really the one who runs the world.
- Not all the Bosses you're under with cares for you.
- Disobedience is the attitude of most of the people.
- A hungry stomach screams a lot.
- Government isn't the main problem, its own citizens are.
- Some of the actors/actresses are just for entertainment, not a role model that must be followed.
- People are the most important critics. (Lol)
- We can live happily without fast foods, milk teas and wandering around.
- A lot of time with family is great!
- The 'health is wealth' is not as simple as how it is written.
- Virus didn't specify the living status of its victims.
- Savings and emergency fund is a must.
- Filipino scientists and the equipment they needed must be funded.
- Social media sucks. (Even at normal life though)
We must always keep in mind that Philippines is in the third world country. We are not as ready as the other countries. The Government is doing their very best to protect us, lets do our responsibility too. Do the safety precautions given. We can survive in a hungry stomach not in a deadly virus.
People around the world are seeking for vaccine. Millions of people are striving for their lives. Hundred thousand of families are mourning from their loss. Front liners are serving, taking all the risks. Salute and respect them as they truly deserve it.
Give the "little" role that would help the world a lot.