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RE: @jaki01' daily routine. / @jaki01' Tagesablauf.

in #philippines13 days ago

Interesting daily routine! And million WOWs for the huge white clouds over the swimming pool! I'm really happy that "watching clouds" is included in your daily routine, it's the same as mine.... ;D


Oh yes, these clouds here always impress me again and again ...

You are so lucky living there.... ;)

Visit us one day, it is not sooo far?! :-)

Ah! I would love to go there to visit your warm family one day! It’s not soooo far as you said, I absolutely agree, but I think I have to fight my fear of the plane first! Haha! ;D

I am sure one day we will also fly to Thailand again!

Oh! That's really great! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you here with pleasure.... ;)