Stop making excuses... Anybody who's lost or uncertain; misguided, directionless & doesn't think their dreams are feasible. Maybe you've made some shitty choices earlier in life that you feel like you can't come back from. GUESS WHAT: YOU'RE RIGHT

in #philosophy6 years ago

I'm here to tell that the loser you think you are... the failure that cannot fulfill your dreams in life; you're 100% correct. YOU ARE!!!! You are a failure that cannot obtain your dreams. As long as you believe that; it'll always be true, and so I'm here to tell you that it goes both ways. Yes. You can be a rockstar. You can be a racecar driver. You can be a billionaire. Sound absurd? Absolutely. Sound impossible or highly improbable? Yes. IS it though? NOT AT ALL!!! IT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE IT IS. CONVINCE YOURSELF IT ISN"T AND IT WON"T BE YOU"LL SEE!

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