The #philosophy Review 12.6.2016

in #philosophy8 years ago
The #philosophy Review is a survey of posts in #philosophy. Learn more here!
Meta-analysis seems to be the theme today, with a lot of thinking about thinking. Speaking of meta-analysis, some thoughts about the philosophy review so far:

TL;DR: Thanks for the support! How can the #philosophy-review be more effective at supporting #philosophy authors?
I have been thrilled by the amount of support the review itself has been getting and I hope it’s helping drive discussion to great #philosophy posts on steemit. I have also learned a lot about the ebb and flow of attention for steemit posts. There are many factors outside of quality that affect upvotes and the likelihood of catching a whale’s attention. Many of these factors seem arbitrary. I’m looking for ideas on how to offset the arbitrary and drive attention (and steem) to high quality philosophy. Post your thoughts in the comments!

Selections for 12.6.2016:

How to have a soul and an afterlife without magic
Can you have an afterlife without God and without a spiritual plane? @baerdric argues that if the latest scientific theories about space-time are correct, our perception of time as a forward moving arrow is an illusion. Check out the post to see what this could mean for your life after "death".

Sophism exemplified: The case of "The factual feminist"
Gender politics is a fertile ground for debate today, however this article is not about the ugliness that plagues most discussions around the topic. @orenshani7 discusses the "Factual Feminist" not to dispute her, but to hold up the argument style to examination.

Utilitarianism - a logic based morality
This is a great introduction to utilitarianism. @stevecoins uses @alexbenjalbert 's In Defense of Meat article as an example of using utilitarianism against Peter Singer's arguments. Agree or disagree, it is worth reading to compare opposing utilitarian stances.


sorry but @orenshani cant back up a singe claim in his post and is doing exactly what he is talking about.
Dodging of points and playing word games all the while drawing your attention away from every point that has been destroyed he is making. he then ignores the point and jumps to his next point that has nothing to do with the original argument.
circular logic based in nothing to confuse the stupid. i guess it has worked considering you think his argument was based in anything.

Thanks for the feedback. I followed up on the original article discussion, but want to get more into editorial perspective here. I'm interested in promoting posts that make an interesting claim, attempt to back up that claim, and show potential for discussion. Based in the amount of back and forth on that thread, @orenshani7 is successful in those respects.

If I've made a mistake and included a post so low in quality it should not have been mentioned at all, I definitely want to be called out on it. Also, if I missed a post from today that is higher quality (using criteria above ) that should have been included, let me know about that as well.

Either way, I appreciate you taking time to voice your opinion.


Sorry if Im coming off as an asshole as i am aware i often do that when not trying to. I have been having a long back and forth with the person so i guess that does qualify. i responded back to you on the other post and im tnking i should have responded back on this post as the response seems more fitting on this form. It was more me attacking the philosophy then e fact that he is playing games to avoid backing up his claims.
im going to copy and paste it in another reply to this post so as it might start up the conversation on this thread.
Do you only look for posts that use the philosophy tag? i have troubles with the 5 tag rule and never know what to use.
sry bout the lack of care on the text. I nee coffee and a shower, spent to much time on last response.
cheers and steem on.

I'll be happy to keep the discussion going on here. Generally i don't think we disagree about the existence of facts, but since you elaborated i have some thoughts ; ) I'll reply above.

No worries about coming on strong, better that you care so much about dialectic that it gets heated than no discussion at all.

As far as the selection pool, i do limit to posts tagged as philosophy. I am certain there are relevant pieces that were not tagged as such, but just getting to the bottom of this channel is tough enough at times. An imperfect but necessary filter.

That said, feel free to call my attention to posts that need consideration. Maybe I should start a steemit chat to gather suggestions for future posts.

Oscar Wilde said that imitation is the most sincere kind of flattery. I would say that resentment, coming from certain people, is a close second.

I would say praise is second but to each heir own.

I think praise is usually not very sincere.

But let's not start another argument.

Hi @aaanderson, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

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