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RE: 'Soul' Mates Smack Us Awake to Change for the Better

in #philosophy7 years ago

The problem is nobody has a handle on the truth. This is a small example, but every time I take stock/trading advice from someone, it goes wrong no matter how confident, successful, all knowing they appear to be. I know this isn't quite the same, but everybody sees things through their own filter and interprets things in their own manner. There's no objectivity. In a sense, we are all talking at each other no matter how much we want to think we are talking with each other, even if there's a belief that values are tightly correlated. This tight correlation and a desire to simplify the world to have actionable information forms friendships, alliances, and relationships. The uncoupling of the perceived correlation is when static starts. No matter how much you try to convince someone that there's a tight correlation on the larger time frame, the dissonance on the shorter time frame causes emotional imbalance. If you can help the person zoom out with meditation or some other calming mechanism, you have a better chance of convincing them that the trend is up. Holy shit I've been spending too much time with the charts.


There is objectivity, although it may be hard to come by at times ;) With enough verifiable data points in common, two people can see the same thing. We can talk at, or talk with, it's not always a wall hehe.