
Hi Akirok, I definitely think so, that the reality that we believe it is, or that exists around us is really false, because it is a reality that in our beginnings was consciously distorted, we were disconnected from our true reality that was our connection with the source, with our divine knowledge, of the true being that we are and a different martyr was created and made us believe that it was real, they simply blocked our river of light that we truly were. And this happened with all human beings. But now we can all wake up from that dream if we want to, if we want to, we can wake up from that virtual reality that made us believe. Because the information is there, now it opens before our eyes, closed to many, who are asleep, but we just need to open when we wake up from the divine consciousness, to know who we really are.


Think of it this way: If I handed you a puzzle piece and said to you, this is accurate and true. If you were to then base your perception of reality on just that piece, you would likely end up with an entirely different understanding than you would if you had the entire puzzle.

This is a great example.

"truth" out of context is a lie of omission.

Sample bias is inescapable.
