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RE: Esoterica, Magic, and other Unknown or perhaps Occulted concepts...

in #philosophy8 years ago

If you ever get the chance and your curiosity is piqued enough, definitely give Principia Discordia a read. I feel as though you would take to it with lightning speed. Our talks thus far lead me to believe you are a Discordian whether consciously or not, heh.

That secondary poet persona is fabulous! Wow, that really gives a logical mind some work on the creative side. That type of practice works both hemispheres at once, those types of techniques are my favorite to use. I'm about to boardy plane to visit my family across the continent, but I will certainly be looking further into @chaospoet!


My magick style is completely of my own making as well, hence the Episkipo. I will study techniques for achieving what I aim to accomplish, but then I will create my own spell/ritual/sigil/etc from scratch.

I have had no access to esoteric and occult knowledge when I was younger, and was very much pushed away from it. It's devil worship to my entire family, except those who think its the ramblings of a madman [they're probably right, the latter, but all the best magicians are mad - eh?]. Everything I've learned I have taught to myself through rigorous study, testing theories, and healthy debates with the handful of magi that are open enough to converse about such with me.

My mother is a huge bible thumper. She was terrified by things she experienced when still with my biological father. I was around 3 when she left him, perhaps younger so needless to say I didn't remember him. Around age 16 she told me all about him and I met him for the first memorable time around 17 or so. I can tell it made my mother nervous how many similar interests I had to him though I was never around him to be exposed to them.

Yeah I have some pretty bizarre stories. I have to wonder how many of them were true, and how many of them were LSD inspired.

I believe making up your own is the way to go. :)

Psychedelia definitely play a large role in my personal experience in uncovering magick in my life. Entheogens are wonderful for breaking down old paradigms.

I too, though, wonder at times what has been the entheogens and what was reality.

I haven't used psychedelia though I've had plenty of opportunity and plenty of friends using it around me. I am weird enough without it. So all the bizarre stuff I've come up with has been without any known chemical assistance. That could be a scary thought as well. ;)