As above so below, i think within us also.
if we are built in his image, wouldn't we be the physical manifestation of. i seen you change your car situation (not instant but you still made it happen)
Right, which means we are a part of such and have part of the capabilities, but not the entirety of such. We can access the infinite, but only from a finite point of consciousness as we are limited by the boundaries of the physical.
If we live in a holographic universe then each fraction of the whole would contain all the parts of the whole albeit in a less detailed form. If the universe is also infinite then this could explain the infinity we experience within ourselves.
If God is omnipotent, and omniprensent, and within us by definition, wouldn't that mean we have that potential?
hmmm, sounds like a powerful mage ;)
It would mean that we are within God as God would be the system in its entirety where we are exist as a fraction of the system's entirety.
As above so below, i think within us also.
if we are built in his image, wouldn't we be the physical manifestation of. i seen you change your car situation (not instant but you still made it happen)
Right, which means we are a part of such and have part of the capabilities, but not the entirety of such. We can access the infinite, but only from a finite point of consciousness as we are limited by the boundaries of the physical.
yep, Im not suggesting we control everything, just our little piece of the universe
Absolutely agree, but only to a certain extent as others in our corner control their universes too. :P
If we live in a holographic universe then each fraction of the whole would contain all the parts of the whole albeit in a less detailed form. If the universe is also infinite then this could explain the infinity we experience within ourselves.