I love your term 'sleep walking'. I too read this term several times elsewhere, and I truly resonate with it. Letting go is key, because if we don't let go our traumas eat up on us and eventually they become so deeply buried within ourselves that we might even forget where certain patterns and feelings stem from. Acceptance is so important to go further without letting the past pain having a say in our present moment of limitless possibilities, because when we apply the unconscious principal "Time heals all wounds" we tend to suppress feelings.
Mental Silence is key in the process of letting go, yet many fear the Silence because this is the place where inner upheaval gets louder. Yet mental Silence is helpful to release thought patterns because they are linked to the memory of unhealed energy. We usually recprocess traumatic events in the dream state but most feel rather "haunted" by these dreams, which often entails that people have these dreams their whole life because feeling "haunted" is a state of suppression where energy gets stuck in us. You could say we want to escape, remain blind or simply unconscious.
I love mental Silence, and whenever I released the thoughts' energetic essence in the dream state, I woke up shortly afterwards and felt the physical release, I literally felt how my body releases density and became lighter..step for step more, which in turn leads to more Awareness in the dream state. My dreams were no longer overtaxed with daily worries and traumatic experiences but instead subconscious energetics came forth into my Awareness.
Sorry, this comment got a bit too long. But this topic is one of my passions ;)
Interesting comment, thanks for the feedback ;)